como esta el dolar hoy en mexico
como esta el dolar hoy en mexico

como esta el dolar hoy en mexico

The Value of the Dollar Today in Mexico: August 18, 2024

The value of the U.S. dollar is an important economic indicator in Mexico, influencing both international trade and the daily lives of Mexican citizens. As of today, August 18, 2024, the dollar is trading at an average of 18.64 pesos per unit. This rate reflects the current market conditions and the economic policies in both Mexico and the United States.

Exchange Rate Details

The exchange rate can vary slightly depending on the bank or financial institution where the transaction is made:

  • Banorte: Buying at 17.40 pesos and selling at 18.90 pesos.
  • Citibanamex: Buying at 18.08 pesos and selling at 19.10 pesos.
  • Banco Azteca: Buying at 17.75 pesos and selling at 19.00 pesos.
  • BBVA: Buying at 17.57 pesos and selling at 19.10 pesos.

These exchange rates represent the value at bank counters and may fluctuate throughout the day depending on market demand and global economic conditions【26†source】【27†source】.

Factors Influencing the Dollar’s Value

The price of the dollar in Mexico is influenced by various factors, including U.S. monetary policy, economic and political stability in Mexico, and trends in international markets. Recently, political pressures in the United States and market fluctuations have caused a slight increase in the value of the dollar against the peso, pushing it closer to 19 pesos in some banks【26†source】.

Impact on the Mexican Economy

An increase in the value of the dollar can have several effects on the Mexican economy. Imported goods become more expensive, which can affect consumers and businesses that rely on foreign supplies. However, it also benefits individuals receiving remittances in dollars, as their value in pesos increases【27†source】.


Staying informed about the exchange rate is crucial for making sound financial decisions. With an average value of 18.64 pesos per dollar today, August 18, 2024, it’s important to closely monitor trends to anticipate any significant changes in the future【26†source】【27†source】.


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